Rules & Regulations
- Each University can send only one team.
- The team shall consist of up to 12 participants.
- The group may consist of all boys, all girls or combined.
- Duration of performance shall be between 8–10 minutes.
- This does not include setting time which shall not be more than 5 minutes.
- Up to three professional accompanists are allowed who should be in different dress from the student participants so that they could be easily identified.
- The professional accompanists shall sit/stand separately from the participants and shall not lead the team and judges will ensure with introduction etc.
- The team may present preferably those folk tunes which are recognized as folk tunes of the state to which the university belongs.
- Singing is prohibited.
- Marking would be strictly on quality of music composed. Instruments should be used which are mostly used in Folk Music. Judges to announce and ensure that efforts on creating visual elegance with set design in orchestra etc. would not be considered for marking. Any sort of dance during the event shall be discouraged by jury members.
- Accompaniment should be live and not recorded.