Teaching Staff

Teaching is a very noble profession that shapes the character, caliber, and future of an individual. If the people remember me as a good teacher, that will be the biggest honour for me. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

S.No. Name of the Teacher Designation Qualification Email Id Contact No. Photo
1 Mr. Ashok Kumar Pradhan Lecturer in Pol.Science M.A in Political Science, M.A. IN RURAL DEVELOPMENT ashokpradhan9877@gmail.com 9178867598
2 Mrs. Madhumita Biswal Lecturer in History M.A in History madhumita.dmdc@gmail.com 8658215582
3 Mrs. Sanjita Khosla Lecturer in Odia M.A in Odia, M.A. IN RURAL DEVELOPMENT sanjita.khosla@gmail.com 9556446007
4 Mrs. Shridebi Parida Lecturer in Education M.A in Education shridebi.parida@gmail.com 8658094243
5 Mr. Biswajit Mohanty Lecturer in English M.A in English, M.A. IN ODIA biswa.singer@gmail.com 7873727273
6 Mr. Jahan Kora Lecturer in Pol.Science M.A in Political Science jahankora143@gmail.com 8658887579
7 Miss Aveena Behara Lecturer in History M.A., M.Phil., B.ED aveenabehera1@gmail.com 7008891442
8 Mrs. Jyotsnarani Jena Education Demonstrator B.A jyotsnaranijena87@gmail.com 9668713606
9 Miss Punampriyadarshini Das Lecturer in English M.A. IN ENGLISH punampriyadarshinidas@gmail.com 9337545340
10 Mr. Kanhu Samal Lecturer in Odia M.A. IN ODIA samalkanhu944@gmail.com 7205470847
11 Mr. Kalikrushna Maharana Lecturer in Education M.A. IN EDUCATION, M.ED edu.krsna@gmail.com 8093724725

Non-Teaching Staff

Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love. Mother Teresa

S.No. Name of the Teacher Designation Qualification Email Id Contact No. Photo
1 Mr. SAYAD HANIF SHAW ASST LIBRARIAN B.LIB. SCIENCE shshanif@gmail.com 9178588404
2 Mr. SHYAM SUNDAR DEY P.E.T M.P.ED shyam.dmdc@gmail.com 7684038378
3 Mr.DHIRENDRA MOHANTY JUNIOR CLERK-CUM-TYPIST B.A. dhirendra.dmdc@gmail.com 8658887668
4 Mr.PRADEEP KUMAR NELLURU 1ST PEON 10TH PASS nelurupradeep@gmail.com 9937717360
5 Mrs. CHANDRA PATI LADY PEON-CUM-ATTENDANT B.A Chandrapati27@gmail.com 7815047525
6 Mr. Ilup Kumar Mohanty D.E.O M. COM, PGDCA ilumohanty.p@gmail.com 8457920370