Biju Pattnaik Auditorium

The Berhampur University is having a Auditorium named as ‘Biju Pattnaik Auditorium’, named after the former Chief Minister of the State Late lamented Biju Patnaik who was also bestowed with the award of ‘Bhumi Putra’ by the Government of Indonesia. This auditorium was established in the year 2006 with a seating capacity of 706 people. It is well furnished with Central air-conditioned facility, along with a good and wide stage and two green rooms.

The auditorium has also been enabled with special lights like stage lights with dimmer control, mike plug sockets, cordless mikes, wheelchair access, facility for power points, etc. The auditorium is surrounded with a beautiful garden and has a large parking space. The auditorium is an ideal venue for large conferences, seminars, invited lectures and cultural programmes of all kinds. The University organizes different types of meetings, conferences, seminars, workshops, Foundation Day and Annual convocation day in this Auditorium.