Department Of Odia

The P.G. Department of Odia, Berhampur University has the unique distinction of being the first Post Graduate Odia department to be visualised ever in Odisha at the University level. Started in 1968 with 16 students and now the intake capacity of 32 students at the P.G. level every year. It has introduced M .Phil Course from 1977 which now invites 16 students per year.

The courses of study of both M.A and M .Phil are revised once in every three years, diversified and made up to date. Department provides specialised teaching in Bhanja literature, modern literature, folk lore and study of Odia language. The diverse fields which the M.A and M. Phil courses now include are folk lore, theory of literature, editing and translation.

The Department has been active in its research activities since its inception. The teachers of the department supervise dissertation for Ph.D, D.Litt and undertake research projects. At present there are 4 number of U.G.C and University research scholars in the department.


List Of
External Mentors

  • Prof. Narayan Sahoo, Retd. Professor, BBSR, Mob-7008488756
  • Prof. Manindra Kumar Meher, F.M. University, Mob-9937365698
  • Prof. Babrubahan Mahapatra, North Odisha University, Keonjhar Campus, Mob-9938953353
  • Prof. Samar Mudali, Retd. Professor, Rourkela, Mob-9937610321
  • Prof. Krushna Ch. Pradhan, Central University of Odisha, Koraput

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Research Area in the Odia

Linguistics, Folklore, Odia Drama, Tribal Studies, Medieval Odia Literature, Modern Odia Literature etc.

Project Execution in the Department:

R & D ProjectUGC SAP Programme
Project TitleTribal Studies and performing Arts of South Odisha
Funded byU.G.C New Delhi
Principal Investigator
Dr. A.K. Panda
Co InvestigatorProfessor Dr. D.P.Pattnaik
Amount55 lakhs
Period5 years

Department of Odia Alumni Association

The Department has a active P.G. Alumni.

Department Facilities

