Dr. Sukanta K. Tripathy did his Ph.D. in Physics under the guidance of Prof S.Anada Rao of NIT Jamshedpur. He has guided eight doctoral and twelve MTech/MPhil students and had about fifty publications to his credit. He visited the University of ElectroCommunication, Japan; Brunel University, London and Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences(IAMS), Taiwan; Centre for Condensed Matter Sciences NTU, Taiwan, as visiting scientist on collaborative research. He has authored one book on Materials Science and Engineering (SciTech, Publisher) and edited two books:
“Functional Materials” and “Advanced Materials”(AIP Publisher). He was PI and Co-P of DST Odisha and DST India(UKIERI) projects. Currently, he is the coordinator of the Centre of Excellence of Nanoscience and Technology for the Development of sensor” a three-crore project sanctioned by the OHEPEE, Govt. of Odisha. He is coordinating the DST FIST program to set up the center for Applied Photonics to develop experimental facilities for the fabrication and characterization of the third-generation solar cell.
Dr.Tripathy is a life member of the photonic society of India, Optical Society of India, Indian Society of technical education, a Patron member of Orissa Physical Society,and a member of IEEE Photonics Society.
His current research interest includes nanophotonics, optical sensors, and solar cell.He is a regular reviewer of IEEE Photonics Journal, Journal of Applied Physics(AIP), Journal of Modern Physics(Taylor Francis), Chinese optics letter(Taylor Francis), .and Optical Fiber Technology(Elsevier).
He is a Governing council member, an Academic Council member of the Institute of Physics,Bhubaneswar, Executive council member of Odisha Bigyan Academy,and a member of council ofhigher secondary education ,Odisha.