Science and Technology

Prof. Sukanta Kumar Tripathy

Head, P.G. Department of Physics,
Berhampur University

Dr. Sukanta K. Tripathy did his Ph.D. in Physics under the guidance of Prof S.Anada Rao of NIT Jamshedpur. He has guided eight doctoral and twelve MTech/MPhil students and had about fifty publications to his credit. He visited the University of ElectroCommunication, Japan; Brunel University, London and Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences(IAMS), Taiwan; Centre for Condensed Matter Sciences NTU, Taiwan, as visiting scientist on collaborative research. He has authored one book on Materials Science and Engineering (SciTech, Publisher) and edited two books:
“Functional Materials” and “Advanced Materials”(AIP Publisher). He was PI and Co-P of DST Odisha and DST India(UKIERI) projects. Currently, he is the coordinator of the Centre of Excellence of Nanoscience and Technology for the Development of sensor” a three-crore project sanctioned by the OHEPEE, Govt. of Odisha. He is coordinating the DST FIST program to set up the center for Applied Photonics to develop experimental facilities for the fabrication and characterization of the third-generation solar cell.
Dr.Tripathy is a life member of the photonic society of India, Optical Society of India, Indian Society of technical education, a Patron member of Orissa Physical Society,and a member of IEEE Photonics Society.
His current research interest includes nanophotonics, optical sensors, and solar cell.He is a regular reviewer of IEEE Photonics Journal, Journal of Applied Physics(AIP), Journal of Modern Physics(Taylor Francis), Chinese optics letter(Taylor Francis), .and Optical Fiber Technology(Elsevier).
He is a Governing council member, an Academic Council member of the Institute of Physics,Bhubaneswar, Executive council member of Odisha Bigyan Academy,and a member of council ofhigher secondary education ,Odisha.

Humanities and Social Sciences

Prof. Sudhakar Patra

Head, P.G, DePartment of Economics,
Berhampur University

Prof. Sudhakar Patra (b.1965) is presently working as Professor and Head, Post Graduate Department of Economics and Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Director, IQAC and Warden, PG Hostels, Berhampur University, Odisha. Prof. Patra has 35 years of teaching and research experience, completed 04 research projects and published 21 Books, 112 research papers in journals & edited books. Prof. Patra has guided 15 research scholars for Ph.D/D.lit degree and has 14 times academic visit to different foreign countries. He teaches Econometrics, Mathematical Economics, Computer Application for Economic Analysis. Apart from many NAAC visits as accessor, he is an expert in data analysis in SPSS, STATA, E Views.

Faculty of Business Studies and Management

Prof. Susant Kumar Baral

Head, P.G. DePartment of Business Administration,
Berhampur University

Dr. Susant Kumar Baral (b. 1964), MBA (Univ. of Poona), UGC NET (Mgt.), Ph. D. (Berhampur University) is presently working as Chairman, Post Graduate Council, Berhampur University, Professor & Head, PG Department of Business Administration and Dean, Management and Business Studies, Berhampur University. Prof. Baral is the Coordinator, Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA); Deputy Coordinator, Odisha Higher Education Programme for Excellence and Equity (OHEPEE- World Bank Funded Project); Member, Regulation Committee; Member, Academic Council, and Convener, Ethical Audit Committee, etc. The areas of specialization are Finance and General Management. He has 29 years of teaching and research experience. He has published many research papers in international and national journals and authored books. He has guided research scholars.