A. Leela Veni

Dr. Miss.A. Leela Veni

Designation: Assistant Professor

Qualification: Ph.D.

Phone No.: 6371228965

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0008-1307-139X

VIDWAN ID: https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/450438

Google Scholar ID: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=Sdt3D252c526q3Dleela

E-mail ID: Email:alv.bot@buodisha.edu.in, leela_a2001@yahoo.co.in

Her area of interest Plant Bio-chemistry, Gymnosperm(including paleobotany), Plant taxonomy, Instrumentation, Plant anatomy, Genetic engineering , Embryology....

Ethnobotany, Antioxidant and Toxicology

  • Leelaveni,A.,Swarnalata Patnaik and A.K.Panigrahi.(2023)Eco-Biochemical StudiesAnd Impact Of Red Mud Waste Extract On the Macromolecules Of Green Gram Crop Plants And Its Toxicological Significance. International Journals of Creative Research Thoughts.11(8) :a791.IF.8.2
  • Swarnalata Patnaik,Leela veni and A.K.Panigrahi(2023). Eco-Physiological Studies Of Red Mud Waste Discharged From Alumin Industry On a Crop Plant Under Laboratory  Controlled Conditions and Its Toxicological Significance.. International Journals of Creative Research Thoughts.11(8):a130.IF.8.2
  • A.Leelaveni.,A.K.Panigrahi(2022).Impact of lechate chemicals of red mud waste of Alumina industry:itsToxicity,impact on Photosynthetic efficiency and production of a crop plant.Eco.Env.& Cons..58.S340-S345. IF 3.01
  • Sangeeta Das.,Leelaveni(2022).Ethno pharmacology and Qualitative phytochemical analysis of some Medicinal plants of Niyamagirihill,Kalahandi,Odisha.EuropianJornal of Botany,Plant Sciences and Phytology.7(1).07-27. IF 6.77
  • Sangeeta Das.,Mukunda Ghadei.,Leelaveni(2022).An Ethnobotanical survey of Medicinal plants used by Dongaria and Kutia Tribe of Niyamagirihill,Odisha onDermatological Infection Diseases(DID).International Journal of Herbal Medicine.10(4).06-09. IF 2.76
  • SngeetaDas,SabirKumarBehera.,A.Leelaveni.(2022).Comparative Analysis of Phytochemical screening and antioxidant properties of three common medicinal plant.International Journal of  Botany Studies.7(7).51-56. IF 5.12
  • Sangeeta Das.,Sivaprasad.,Das.,Leelaveni(2022).Phytochemical analysis of Methanolic extract of leaves of Gymnemasylvestre R.Br fromNiyamagirihill,Kalahandidistrict,Odisha,India.International Journal of Botany Studies.7(7).44-50. IF 5.12
  • Sangeeta Das.,SaikhAmeeruddin.,Sivaprasad Das.,Leelaveni (2021).Medicinal plantKnoweldge and Ethnomedicinal uses of Tribal People Of NiyamagiriHill,KalahandiDistrict,Odisha,India. Asian Journal of  Research in Botany.6(4).2)0-41. IF 0.87
  • Suraj Kumar Behera, Leelaveni, ChinmayeeMohanty (2019). Phytochemical Screening of Some Ethnomedicinal Plants Of Kandhamal District Of Odisha, India. International research journal of pharmacy. 10(1). 190-193. IF 0.765
  • Leelaveni, N. H. H. Verma and A. K. Panigrahi (2019). Impact of solid waste of a chlor-alkali industry of BGA and its reclamation by plant extracts. Life Science Bulletin, 16(1&2). IF 3.76 ( NAAS)
  • Suraj Kumar Behera, ChinmayeeMohanty, A. Leelaveni (2018). A Study on the Antioxidant Properties of Some Selected Medicinal Plants from Kandhamal District of Odisha, India. Asian Journal of Research in Botany. 1(2), 1-9. IF 0.87
  • H. H. Verma, A. Leelaveni and A. K. Panigrahi (2018). Reclamation of the effluent of a chlor-alkali industry by environmental chemicals in presence of a cyanobacterium. National Journal of Life Science, 15(2). IF 2.03 ( NAAS).
  • Leelaveni, Sugyani Dash, Suraj Kumar Behera, Sangeeta Das, Amiya Kumar Mandal (2018). Ethnomedicinal study in North West Ganjam, Odisha. International Journal of Innovation Sciences and Research.7(8). IF 3.19
  • Swarnalata Pattanaik, A.Leelaveni and A.K. Panigrahi (2018). Impact of Leachate chemicals of red mud waste of aluminium industry on the toxicity studies, seed biological studies of a crop plant. National Journal of Life science, 15(2). IF 2.03 (NAAS).
  • Swarnalata Pattanaik, A.Leelaveni and A.K. Panigrahi (2018) Eco-toxicology interaction studies on leached chemicals and red mud waste of alumina industry and a pesticides on the seed biology of a crop plant under laboratory controlled condition. National journal of life science, vol.14(2) Dec. 2017: 101-108.
  • Mita Mohanty, Suraj Kumar Behera, Sangeeta Dash, Leelaveni (2018). Documentation of Medicinal plants from the undivided area of Puri District, Odisha, India. European Journal of Medicinal Plants. 25(1). IF 3.75 (NAAS)
  • Suraj Kumar Behera, AurobindoPadhy and Leelaveni (2018). Physiological and Biochemical study of Hydrillaverticillata (L. f.) Royle under cadmium heavymetal stress. International research journal of Environmental Science. 7(10). IF 2.86
  • SwarnalataPattanaik, A. Leelaveni and A. K. Panigrahi (2017). Eco-Toxicological interaction studies of Leached chemicals of red mud waste of Alumina industry and a pesticide on the seed Biology of a crop plant under laboratory controlled conditions. National Journal of Life Science, 14(1). IF 2.03(NAAS)
  • JyotirmayeePanigrahy, Suraj Kumar Behera, Venugopal A and Leelaveni A (2016).Ethnomedicinalstudy of some medicinal plants from Kandhamal district, Odisha. International journal of Herbal Medicine, 4(5): 36-40. IF 2.76
  • Leelaveni A., Nahak S., Sahu R.K. (2015). Growth, Yield and Elemental Status of Lycopersicumesculantum Grown in Fly ash with Azosprillum amended Soil. Greener Journal of Agricultural Science. 5(4). 149-158. IF 10.15(GLOBAL)
  • Das S., Behera S.K., Leelaveni A., (2015). Ethnomedicinal Study of Jajpur District, Odisha. Asian Resonance, IV, 122-127 IF 0.384
  • Mishra J., Behera S.K., Panigrahi A.K., Sahu R.K., Leelaveni A., (2015). Study of some Ethnomedicinal Plants of Nayagarh District, Odisha. The Journal of Ethnobiology and Traditional Medicine Plants. Photon 124, 187-199. IF 6.38
  • Behera S.K., Sahu R.K., Leelaveni A., (2015). Some Ethnomedicinal Plants of Rayagada District, Odisha. The Journal of Ethnobiology and Traditional Medicine. Photon 104, 187-194. IF 6.38
  • LeelaVni.,S.Khandual,A.TripathyR.K.Sahu.,(2000) Effect of Fly Ash on growth Enzymes and  yield of Abelmuschusesculentum.Indian Journal of Environment  and Ecoplan. Indian academi of science 3(1):67-74 IF 0.3
  • H.H Verma , A. Leela Veni and A.K. Panigrahi. (2018). Reclamation of the Effluent of a chlor-alkali industry by environmental chemicals in presences of a Cyanobacterium. National journal of life science, vol. 15 2018:113-120.

Published Book chapters:

  • A.Leelaveni.,A.K.Panigrahi(2022).Impact of lechate chemicals of red mud waste of Alumina industry:its ToxicityTemerature Stress and effect on the seed geremination biology of a crop plant.Recent advances in soil and water education and research.ABSbooks.(97-110) IF 2.05
  • Behera, S. K. &Leelaveni A., 2018. Evaluation of free radical scavenging activity of methanolic extract of Azimatetracantha In Chetia H, Kabiraj D, Singh T (Eds) International symposium on Biodiversity and Biobanking. IIT Guwahati, ADNAT (India).
  • Leelaveni, A. Nahak, S. &Sahu, R. K., 2015. Growth, yield and Elemental Status of Lycopersicumesculantum Grown in Flyash with Azospprillumamanded soil , Greener Journal of Agriculture Sciences.6:15.(pp.149-158 ). IF 1.15
  • Leelaveni.,SabitriNahak and RajaniKanta Sahoo.,2015.Growth ,Yield and Elimental Status ofLycopersicumEsculentum L. Grown in Fly ASH Amended Soil.A.Chauhan&P.K.Bharati(Eds).
  • Arvind Gulati.,A.Leelaveni.,R.K.Sud.,AdarshShanker.,Dhananjay Kumar Tewary.,Meena Thakur.,GireeshNadda.,Ajay Kumar And B.D.Singh. Status and Prospects of Integrated Pest Management Strategies in Selected Crops:Tea.

  • Leelaveni. workshop on” Research methodology and Hands of Leaning” at KISS,BBSR,ODISHA. From 02-06 Aug,2021.
  • Leelaveni. Workshop on Awareness Generation on Intellectual property rights held at Berhampur University, Berhampur. Science and Technology Department, Government of Odisha. 28th March 2018.
  • Leelaveni. Workshop cum Training on Recent Development and future trends of bioinformatics in biological science. Organized by Bioinformatics infrastructure facility centre, Berhampur University, Berhampur. 26-27th December 2016.
  • Leelaveni. National workshop on Biotechnology for Economic Enhancement of Rural Community in Souhtern Region of Odisha. Organized by Department of Zoology, Berhampur University, Berhampur. 11th September 2015.

  • Leelaveni participated in international conference on “Chemical & Biological Science in Drug Discovery-2019”,from 08-10nth March,2019(IC-CBSD-2019) at PG Department of Chemistry, Berhampur University.
  • Leelaveni. Participated in International Symposium on Biodiversity and Biobanking-2018(BIODIVERSE-2018) from 27nth-29nth Feb, 2018 at IITG, Kamrup, Assam.

National Seminar/ Conference/ Work shop: /FDP

  • Leelaveni. Participated in National webinar on “Recent Advances in Proteomics Technology” held on 21-27,2020 at KIIT University,BBSR,Odisha.
  • Poonam Mangraj, Leelaveni and A. K.Panigrahi. Eco-Toxicological effects of solid waste extract of a sugar industry on the seed biology and seedling growth of a crop plant. National conference on harmony with natural in context of Environmental issues and challenges (HARMONY- 2017). Organized by Department of Zoology. Kakatiya University, Warangal. 21-23rd December, 2017. (Oral Presentation).
  • Leelaveni. Physiological and Biochemical study of Hydrillaverticillata (L.F.) Royle under Cadmium heavy metal stress. National seminar on Adverse impact of global climate change and irregular monsoon on agriculture and capture fishery in coastal India and its management. Organized by Department of Zoology, Berhampur University, Berhampur. 26- 27th March 2016. (Oral Presentation).
  • Suraj Kumar Behera, Sangeeta Das and A. Leelaveni. Ethnomedicinal study of Jajpur district, Odisha. SRESSHTA-2018. Organized by Dr. B. R. K. R. Govt. Ayurvedic Medical College, Hyderabad. 25th & 26th March 2015.
  • Leelaveni. Growth, yield and Elemental Status of Lycopersicumesculantum L. in Fly Ash Application.National conference on Biodiversity assessment, monitoring and conservation: Application of Biotechnological tools.
  • Organized by Regional Plant Resource Centre. 22-23rd February 2015. (Oral Presentation).
  • Leelaveni. Indigenous people and their rights: Issues and Challenges. Organized by Berhampur University. Centre for Canadian Studies. 10-11th January 2014. (Participate).
  • Attended FDP online Programmed on “Managing Online Classess and CO-Creatinf  0” on 2021.
  • Attended National online FDP on Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education at CREATES, IISER, Bhopal.2023.
  • Leelaveni participated in international conference on “Chemical & Biological Science in Drug Discovery-2019”, from 08-10nth March, 2019(IC-CBSD-2019) at PG Department of Chemistry,Berhampur University.
  • Leelaveni. Participated in International Symposium on Biodiversity and Biobanking-2018(BIODIVERSE-2018) from 27nth-29nth Feb, 2018 at IITG,Kamrup,Assam.

Lower plant diversity and Paleobotany, Pteriodophyta, Environmental Science, Taxonomy , Bio-physics, Environmental Biotechnology and waste management, Environmental Law.

  • International Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (MedCrave Publication).
  • Journal of Applied Science (Science Alert).
  • Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (Past).
  • Plant cell biotechnology and molecular biology research (International Knowledge Press).
  • European Journal of Medicinal Plants (European Publication).
  • International journal of plants and soil science (American Chemical Society Publication).
  • International journal of Plant and Soil Science. (Notion press)

  • International Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medicine.
  • Journal of applied science.
  • Journal of pharmaceutical Research.
  • Plant cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology Research.
  • European Journal of Medicinal Plants.
  • International journal plants and soil science. (American chemical society publication)
  • International journal of plant and soil science.