Bishnu Charan Behera

Dr. Bishnu Charan Behera

Designation: Assistant Professor

Qualification: M.A., Ph.D

Phone No.: 9338815402

ORCID: http://0000-0003-4463-2547

VIDWAN ID: 211299

Google Scholar ID: DE6pZv4AAAAJ

E-mail ID: bcbeherabu@gmail.com

Dr. Bishnu Charan Behera obtained his Ph.D. degree from Berhampur University. He has qualified UGC-NET in the year 2006. He is working as Assistant Professor in the department since 2010. He has published about 26 articles in different National and International repute journals and edited books. He has more than 13 years of P.G. teaching experience. His research areas are Applied...

Time series Econometrics, Financial Institutions and Markets and Development Economics. He is a member of Odisha Commerce Association and Indian Economic Association. He served as Coordinator, P.G. Department of Economics from June 2020 to May 2022; Asst. Superintendent, Jogendra Hostel, MT Ladies Hostel and Nagabali Boy’s Hostel. He also acted as NSS Programme Officer for the academic session 2010-11, 2011-12, 2013-14 &2015-16 at Berhampur University. He has participated in 42 national and international conferences.

Financial Institution and Markets, Applied Time Series Econometrics and Economic Growth and Development

  • Singh, P., Behera. B.C.  & Choudhury, A.K. (2023). Environmental Impact of Coal Mining on Local Livelihoods in Odisha, India.  Ecology, Environment and Conservation, EM International in 29 (4), 5-14.
  • B.C. and Singh, P. (2022), Tribal Poverty In Odisha: A District Level Analysis, Tribal Studies: A Journal of COATS, 10(1), 58-65.
  • B.C. (2022), CO2 Emission, Economic Growth and Energy Consumption in India: A VAR analysis, Ecology, Environment and Conservation (Forthcoming)
  • B.C. & Singh, P. (2020). Analysis of Women Employment in the Organised Sectors of Odisha, India: An Econometric Approach, Journal of the Social Sciences, Vol. 48(4), 2020, pp.1751-1761.
  • Behera, B. C. And Panda, B.K (2019). Inter- Social Class Varitions In Consumption Pattern In Odisha: An Analysis, THINK INDIA JOURNAL, Vol-22-Issue-10, pp. 7406-7413.
  • Pothal, S. Behera, B.C. and Panda, B.K. (2018) Quality of Life, Social Exclusion and Chronic Poverty among Tribes in Odisha, IASSI Quaterly, Vol-37, No-1, pp.72-89.
  • B.K. Panda and B.C. Behera (2017). Multidimensional Measures of Poverty in India: An Inter-State Analysis, Indian Economic Journal, Special Issue.
  • Dolai, S.K., Behera, B.C. and Singh, P.  (2016). Growth of MSME for make in India: An Overview in A.K. Sahoo and S.K. Choudhury (ed.), Make in India and Its impact on Indian Economy, Best Publishing House, pp.68-74.
  • Mahankud, P., Singh, P, Dolai, S.K., Behera, B.C. and Chodhury, A.K. (2016). Estimating Economic Benefits through Social Forestry in Odisha, Splint International Journal of Professionals, ISSN: 2349-6045, Vol.3, pp.59-66.
  • Dolai, S.K., Behera, B.C. Singh, P and Panda, B.K. (2016):Growth and Productivity of Small and Medium Enterprises in Odisha: An Empirical Analysis, Splint International Journal of  Professionals,Vol.3(1), pp.99-104.
  • Singh. Pabitra, Choudhury, Anuva, Behera, B.C. and Choudhury, A.K. (2015): Corporate Social Responsibility For Sustainable Development Of Coal Mines In Odisha, ZIJBEMR, Vol.5 (11), pp. 29-38.
  • Dolai, S.K., Singh, P, Behera, B.C. and Panda, B.K. (2015) Growth and Productivity of  MSMEs in India: An Overview, EIJMMS, Vol.5 (12), pp.1-8.
  • B.K. Panda and B.C.Behera (2013): Health and Nutritional Status of Tribals in Orissa, Research Journal of Berhampur University, Vol.2.
  • B.K. Panda and B. C. Behera (2012): Impact of Globalization on Growth and Performance of Small Enterprises in Odisha, The Utkal Business Review, Vol.XXV, pp.198-216.
  • K. Choudhury and B.C.Behear (2011): Conservation and Pro-Poor Tourism: Study of an Indian Village in and around Chilika Lake, Orissa, Research Journal of Berhampur University, Vol.1.
  • Dolai, S.K., Behera, B.C. and Singh, P. (2016) Growth of MSME for make in India: An Overview in A.K. Sahoo and S.K. Chaudhury (ed.), Make in India and Its impact on Indian Economy, Best Publishing House, pp.68-74.
  • C. Behera and S.K. Dolai (2017). Tribal Development In India: An Overview in S.K. Chaudhury, S. Sarkar and M. Patra (ed.), Tribal Development in India, S.K. Book Agency, pp.98-111.
  • C. Behera and S.K. Dolai (2018). Tribal Poverty in Odisha in S.K. Choudhury and A.K. Sahoo (ed.), Tribal Marketing Strategies, Issues and Challenges, Avon Publications, pp.108-113.
  • Singh, P., Choudhury, A.K. and Behera, B.C. (2019) Sustainable Coal Mining In Odisha, India: Issues and Challenges in Patra et al., (ed.), Kunal Books, pp.40-49.
  • Singh, P. and Behera, B.C. (2020). Sustainable development of Coal Mining in Asia-Pacific Region in S. Patra and A. P. Nanda (ed.), Development, Environment and Sustainability. Kunal Books Publication, pp.17-26.
  • Singh, P. and Behera, B.C. (2020). Role of Women in Reconstruction of Modern Indian Society in S. Nayak and S. Malik (ed.), Reconstruction of Indian History: Society & Religion. NB Publications, pp.275-285.
  • Singh, P. & Behera. B.C. (2021) Sustainable Management of Fly Ash in India: Issues and Challenges in S. Rawat and O.P. Gusai (ed.), Sustainable Development and its Challenges in Developing Countries. S Sharda Global Research Publications, pp.51-56.
  • B.C. & Singh, P. (2021). Status of Women Empowerment through Women Self-Help Group in Odisha, in N. Arundhekar, N. Vijayalakshmi & H.N. Vidya (ed.), Women Empowerment- Myths and Reality. Shanlax Publications, pp.110-120.
  • Singh, P. & B.C. (2021). Analysis of Health Care Delivery During Covid-19 In Odisha, in S. Patra, Bhukta, A. & Tarai, S.K. (ed.), Social Sector in India: COVID-19 Issues and Challenges. Bharati Publication, pp.146-155, ISBN-978-93-91681-02-9
  • B.C. & Singh, P. (2023). Digital Marketing in India: Challenges and Opportunities in Rathi, A. (ed.), Digital Marketing in the Current Era. S Sharda Global Research Publications, pp.60-64, ISBN: 978-81-954709-7-8.
  • Singh, P. & B.C. (2023). Environmental Pollution and Health Hazards from Industrial Emission in Odisha in Jeph, A. (ed.), Climate Change, Pollution & Sustainable Development. INSPIRA, pp.14-20, ISBN: 978-93-91932-23-7.

03 Ph.D scholar (Registered)

Financial Institution and Markets, Economics of Growth and Development

Life member in Indian Economic Association, Odisha Commerce Association