Jogeswar Panigrahi

Prof. Jogeswar Panigrahi

Designation: Professor

Qualification: M.Sc., M. Phil, Ph.D.

Phone No.: 8619070513

ORCID: http://0000-0002-5724-6605

VIDWAN ID: 275522

Google Scholar ID: cjGTml0AAAAJ

E-mail ID: jp.bt@buodisha.edu.in


Plant molecular genetics and functional genomics

  1. Kole C, Chaurasia A, Heffereon L., Panigrahi J (2023) Tools and Techniques of Plant Molecular Farming. Springer Nature, Singapore Pte. Ltd., ISBN: 978-981-99-4858-1
  2. Mishra SK, Mishra RR, Nag A, Naik A, Panigrahi J (2024) Development of female specific SCAR marker in spine gourd (Momordica dioica Ex. Wild) and its validation. Research J Biotechnology 19(5), 94-100.
  3. Gupta K, Pandey S, Gupta K, Singh RP, Kumar A, Gaur A, Panigrahi J (2024) Role of Ascorbate peroxidase in ascorbate -glutathione pathway for stress tolerance. Annual Plant Reviews, 7, 1-48.
  4. Patra GK, Acharya GK, Panigrahi J, Mukherjee AK, Rout GR (2023) The soil-borne fungal pathogen Athelia rolfsii: past, present, and future concern in legumes. Folia Microbiologica, 68, 677-690.
  5. Sarangi S, Nahak SK, Rupashree A, Panigrahi J, Panda AK (2023) Prevalence of migraine in systemic lupus erythematosus: A meta-analysis. Lupus, 32(8): 983-992
  6. Purohit P, Mohanty PK, Panigrahi J, Das K, Patel S. (2023) Effect of α(+) Thalassemia on the Severity of Plasmodium falciparum Malaria in Different Sickle Cell Genotypes in Indian Adults: A Hospital-Based Study. Hemoglobin 47, 11-18
  7. Nag A, Gupta K, Dubey N, Mishra SK, Panigrahi J (2021) Genomic characterization of ZIP genes in pigeonpea (CcZIP) and their expression analysis among the genotypes with contrasting host response to pod borer. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 27, 2787–2804.
  8. Gupta K, Mishra SK, Gupta S, Pandey S, Panigrahi J and Wani SH (2021) Functional Role of miRNAs- Key players in Soybean improvement. Phyton-International J Experimental Botany 90(5): 1339-1362
  9. Rath SC, Seth S, Mishra SK, Yadav PK, Gupta AK, Panigrahi J (2020) Genetic homogeneity assessment of in vitro regenerated plantlets of Nyctanthes arbor-tristis and comparative evaluation of bioactive metabolites and antioxidant activity. In vitro Cell and Developmental Biology (Plant), 56: 72-87
  10. Naik A, Patel AK, Mishra SK, Nag A, Panigrahi J (2019) Characterization of intraspecific hybrid in Clitoria ternatea (L.) using morpho-physiological, cytogenetic, metabolic and molecular markers. Caryologia: 72(3): 11-22
  11. Awasthi JP, Saha B, Panigrahi J, Yanase E, Koyama H, Panda SK (2019) Redox balance, metabolic fingerprint and physiological characterization in contrasting North East Indian rice for Aluminum stress tolerance. Scientfic Reports (NPG), 9: 8681
  12. Sahoo S, Saha B, Awasthi JP, Omisun T, Borgohain P, Hussain S, Panigrahi J, Panda SK (2019) Physiological introspection into differential drought tolerance in rice cultivars of North-east India. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 41: 53-62
  13. Mishra SK, Nag A, Naik A, Rath SC, Gupta K, Gupta AK, Panigrahi J (2019) Characterization of host response to bruchids (Callosobruchus chinensis and maculatus) in 39 genotypes belongs to 12 Cajanus spp. and assessment of molecular diversity inter se. J Stored Products Research (Elsevier) 81: 76-90
  14. Dubey NK, Yadav P, Gupta N, Gupta K, Panigrahi J, Gupta AK (2019) Suppression of seed setting and viability in phytoplasma infected Parthenium Weed in nature through differential gene expression. Indian J Weed Science 51(2): 188-197.
  15. Seth S, Panigrahi J* (2018) In vitro multiplication of Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet through callus mediated organogenesis and assessment of genetic fidelity using ISSR markers. J Horticultural Science and Biotechnology(Taylor & Francis): 94(1):70-79
  16. Panda S, Mishra SK, Naik A, Sahu SK, Panigrahi J (2018) In vitro propagation of Cajanus cajan × cajanifolius hybrid and its characterization using cyto-morphological and SSR markers. The Nucleus (Springer) : 61(2): 83-93
  17. Mishra SK, Macedo MLR, Panda SK and Panigrahi J* (2018) Bruchid pest management in pulses: Past practices, present status and use of modern breeding tools for development of resistant varieties. Annals of Applied Biology: 172 : 4-19
  18. Purohit P, Mohanty PK, Patel S, Das P, Panigrahi J, Das K (2018) Comparative study of Clinical Presentation and Haematological indices in hospitalized sickle cell patients infected with severe Plasmodium falciparum malaria. J Infection and Public Health: 11(3): 321-325
  19. Seth S, Rath SC, Rout GR, Panigrahi J* (2017) Somatic embryogenesis in Abutilon indicum (L.) Sweet and assessment of genetic homogeneity using SCoT markers. Plant Biosystem, 151: 704-714.
  20. Purohit P, Mohanty PK, Patel S, Das P, Das K, Panigrahi J (2017) Association of CD40L gene polymorphism with severe Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Indian Population. J Vector Borne Diseases, 54: 74-79.
  21. Pattnaik S, Kumar V, Tiwari KK, Prakash C, Singh A, Singh AK, Behera N, Panigrahi J, Mithra SVA, Mohapatra T (2016) Physiological and molecular basis of water deficit stress tolerance in F1 hybrids and their parental lines in rice. Indian Journal of Genetics and Plant breeding 76(2):127-136
  22. Mishra RR, Sahu AR, Rath SC, Panigrahi J* (2016) Genetic linkage mapping of loci conferring resistance to blue butterfly (Lampides boeticus ) and plume moth (Exelastis atomosa Wals) on chromosome 2 (CcLG02) in pigeonpea. Botany Letters (Acta Botanica Gallica), 163(2): 217-230
  23. Mishra RR, Nag A, Panigrahi J * (2015) Development of dominant sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker linked with plume moth (Exelastis atomosa Walsingham 1886) resistance in pigeon-pea. Chilean J. of Agricultural Research 75(4): 497-501; ISSN.0718-5839
  24. Rath SC, Mishra A, Mishra RR, Sahu AR, Panigrahi J* (2015) Inheritance and mapping of protein markers detecting polymorphism among Cajanus cajan and scarabaeoides genotypes with contrasting host response to pod borer (Helicoverpa armigera) Caryologia (Taylor and Francis). 68(3): 217-224.
  25. Sahu AR, Mishra RR, Rath SC, Panigrahi J* (2015) Construction of interspecific genetic linkage map of pigeonpea using SCoT, RAPD, ISSR markers and simple inherited trait loci. The NUCLEUS 58(1):23-31 (Springer, ISSN: 0029-568x(P), 0976-7975 (e)

Ph.D.: 13; M.Phil. 15; M.Tech: 02

  • Molecular Characterization of Asteracantha longifolia and formulation of herbal drugs for gall stone dissolution – sanctioned by Department of Science & Technology, GOI during 2005-07 (11.55 lakh).
  • Genetic Fingerprinting of Eucalyptus clones of J.K. Paper Ltd – Collaborative project with J.K. Paper mill ltd during 2005-06 (1.2 lakh).
  • Molecular mapping of the gene conferring resistance to pod borer and pod fly in pigeonpea using RAPD and ISSR markers – Sanctioned by International foundation for Science (IFS), Sweden during 2008-10 (US $ 12000).
  • Molecular Mapping and Manipulation of genes controlling some Agro-economic traits in pigeonpea with special emphasis on pod borer and pod fly resistance- Sanctioned by UGC, Govt. of India during the period 2010-13 (5547 Lakh Rupees only)
  • Genetic linkage mapping and marker assisted breeding in pigeonpea with special emphasis on resistance to pod borer complex and seed protein content- DBT, Govt. of India ( 41.60 Lakh Only) during the period 2011-15.
  • Construction of Genetic Linkage Map in Pigeonpea based on interspecific F2 population using RAPD, AFLP markers and simple inherited trait loci (SITLs)- DST, Govt. of India (16.82 Lakh Rupees Only) during the period 2011-14
  • Mitigation of Environmental changes through suitable cyanobacterial species. DRDO, Govt. of India (10.00 Lakh Rupees Only)—as Co-PI (PI- Dr. B. Biswal) during 2012-2015
  • Development and characterization of simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers in Clitoria ternatea (L.), and mapping of loci controlling Taraxerol and Delphinidin content, SERB-DST, Govt. of India (2018-22); Rs. 36.59 Lakhs.
  • Bioprospecting of Ethno-pharmaceuticals to explore their potential against cancer, infectious and autoimmune diseases, IDP-world bank through OHEPEE, Govt. of Odisha (2020-2024); Rs. 400.00 Lakhs (Institutional Project)
  • Genome wide exploration, characterization and expression of candidate genes putatively associated with Zinc (Zn) homeostasis and seed Zn content in Pigeonpea (2024-26), MRIP, HED, Govt. of Odisha; Budget: 9.76 Lakh

Genetics, Cell and Molecular Biology, Research Methodology and Communications skills, Bioinformatics Laboratory, Plant and Animal Biotechnology, intellectual property rights, Biosafety and bioethics, Research and publication ethics

  • Merit Scholarship of the Govt. of Orissa, India (1987,1989)
  • ARS-NET of ICAR, Govt. of India-1st position on Genetics (2000)
  • K.S. Krishnan Research Associateship from BRNS, DAE, Govt. of India (2003)
  • IFS Young Scientist award from International Foundation for Science, Sweden (2008)

  • Acting as Reviewer for the Scientific Reports (NPG), Plant Molecular Biology (Springer), International Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Cambridge University Press), Euphytica (Springer), Molecular Breeding (Springer), J Genetics (Springer), J Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants (Springer) and Annals of Botany (Oxford), Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding (ICAR), Indian J. of Biotechnology (CSIR), Indian J. of Experimental Biology (CSIR), Crop Protection (Springer)
  • Prospective Author for NSDL project of NISCAIR, CSIR
  • Acting as a Member of the Indian society of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Orissa Botanical Society, Indian society of Plant Biochemistry and Plant Biotechnology.