Lokesh Durga

Dr. Lokesh Durga

Designation: Assistant Professor (Guest faculty)

Qualification: MA, M.Phil, UGC-NET, Ph.D.(Delhi University)

Phone No.: 9439567323



Google Scholar ID: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=QxWHgiEAAAAJ&hl=en

E-mail ID: lokeshdurga13@gmail.com


Landscape Archaeology, Environment History, Local History, Applied History, Emotion in History, Premodern South Asia

  • Guest Faculty, Department of History, Government Autonomous College, Rourkela (Sambalpur University, Odisha), for the academic year July 2015- April 2016.
  • Guest Faculty, NCWEB, Delhi University, September 2022-Fabruary 2023.
  • Resource Person on History of India-I for SWAYAM PRABHA, EMRC, Manipur University(Total content developed: 6).
    Resource Person on History of India-I for MOOCs, EMRC, Manipur University (Total content developed: 25).

  1. L. K. Durga (2018), Process of Pheripheralizaion of settlements in Early Historic Odisha: An Archaeological Perspective, in Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology, 6: 606-624 (UGC Care List).
  2. L. K. Durga (2018), State and Society of Tel River Valley, Odisha: From C. 300 BC to C. 600 AD. (Book Review Essay), Delhi: B. R. Publishing Corporation, 2018, Pages xxi + 176. ISBN: 9789386223913, in Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology, 6: 1145-1149, (UGC Care List).
  3. L. K. Durga (2020) ‘Historians and Interpretations: Construction of Sub-regional History in Pre-modern Odisha, India’, in Utkal Historical Research Journal, Vol. XXXIII: 152-169, (UGC Care List).
  4. L. K. Durga, D. Bag and P. K. Biswal (2022) ‘Speaking Stones: Archaeological Investigations in the Nagavali River Valley, Odisha,’ in The Mythic Society Quarterly Journal (QJMS), 113:3, 104-108, (UGC Care List).
  5. L. K. Durga, D. Bag and A. Raita (2023) ‘Interpretation of Environment in Ancient Indian History,’ in Odisha Review, Vol. LXXX, No. 12-1: 38-43
  6. L. K. Durga and D. Bag (2022-23) ‘Lost and Found: Exploring the Archaeology of Urbanity in Premodern Odisha,’ in Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology, 10: 460-486, (UGC Care List).
  7. L. K. Durga and D. Bag (2023-24) ‘Sun-worship, Religion and Mythology in Premodern Odisha,’ in Heritage: Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies in Archaeology, 11: 470-478, (UGC Care List).

  1. Early Historic Settlements of Western Odisha” at the Graduate Student Conference on ‘History and Archaeology of Ancient India’ in Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad, January 30-February 1, 2015.
  2. Ancient settlements of Western Odisha: Understanding the Material Culture of “Others” at the International Seminar on ‘Culture and Cognition in Reconstructing the Past’ in University of Hyderabad, India, 17-20 December, 2015.
  3. Historians and Interpretations: Construction of Sub-regional History in Pre-modern Odisha, India at the Annual History Graduate Student Association Conference on ‘Currents of Change: Past, Present, and Public’, in University of California-Irvine, Thursday-Friday, April 8-9, 2021.
  4. Europeans Knowledge Production and Constructions of Odishan History at the 15th Annual Graduate Conference in European History on ‘Motions of Knowledge – Knowledge in Motion. Conceptualizing “Knowledge Circulation” for Historical Research”, in University of Vienna, Austria, April 7-9, 2021.