Nibedita Behera

Dr. Nibedita Behera

Designation: Assistant Professor

Qualification: PhD

Phone No.: 9438065066

ORCID: http://0000-0002-0563-8682

VIDWAN ID: 296617

Google Scholar ID: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=SSY5-DsAAAAJ

E-mail ID: nbeheraoc91[at]gmail[dot]com

Dr. Nibedita Behera has completed her Master degree in oceanography from Berhampur University. She has completed her PhD from Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar. Her specialization was on physical oceanography, dynamical oceanography, ocean c... ...

Dr. Nibedita Behera has completed her Master degree in oceanography from Berhampur University. She has completed her PhD from Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar. Her specialization was on physical oceanography, dynamical oceanography, ocean currents and circulation, Bio-physical interaction with in the ocean and atmosphere etc. She joined as assistant professor in Department of Marine Sciences, Berhampur University in October 2021. Prior to join in Berhampur University, she was working as Project Scientist B in Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services under Ministry of Earth Science during September 2019 to September 2021. �She has taken part in two research expeditions in the Bay of Bengal. She has participated in several national/international conferences, symposiums, workshops, and training programs. She has many national and international publications published in peer reviewed journals to her credit. She qualified the National Eligibility Test for Junior Research Fellowship, conducted by Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) exam held in Dec- 2013.  

Physical Oceanography, Ocean Dynamics, Bio-Physical properties of Ocean

6 years of Research and 2 years of academic experience in Oceanography




  • Introduction to Earth, Ocean, Atmosphere and Climate
  • Fundamentals of Physical, Chemical, Geological Oceanography and Marine
  • Geophysical Fluid Dynamics and Numerical Methods
  • Waves, Tides and Storm Surges
  • Ocean Wave and Tide Modelling
  • Remote Sensing and Geographical
  • Information System (GIS) in Marine Sciences
  • Advanced Marine Meteorology
  • Polar Oceanography and Climate
  • Ocean Circulation Modelling