Sharada Prasad Sahoo

Dr.Sharada Prasad Sahoo

Designation: Assistant Professor

Qualification: Ph.D. (Management) MBA (Human Resource Management & Marketing Management) UGC-NET (JRF) in Management

Phone No.: 9777085818

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2302-3462

VIDWAN ID: https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/295631

Google Scholar ID: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=zuwzK64AAAAJ&hl=en

E-mail ID: sharadaprasadsahoo@gmail.com

Dr. Sharada Prasad Sahoo holds an MBA with specializations in HRM and Marketing and has earned his Ph.D. in Management from the Department of Business Administration at Fakir Mohan University (NAAC A Grade), Balasore, Odisha. Dr. Sahoo's academic achievements extend beyond his degrees. He demonstrated exceptional proficiency by qualifying for the UGC-NET (JRF) in Management in both 2012 and 2013, a testament to his profound knowledge and expertise in the field. Currently, Dr.Sahoo serves as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Business Administration at Berhampur University, where he brings 14 years of teaching and research experience in Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior. He has consistently exhibited a passion for education and research throughout his career, earning acclaim for his contributions at both the Interscience Institute of Management and Technology in Bhubaneswar and Khallikote University in Berhampur. Dr.Sahoo's scholarly pursuits are evident through his extensive participation in conferences, with presentations at 19 national conferences and 8 international conferences....

He has also made significant contributions to the academic community through publications in esteemed and indexed journals, focusing on Human Capital, Organizational Behavior, and Knowledge Mapping. In addition to his academic endeavors, Dr. Sahoo is a proficient public speaker and orator, recognized with the Seva He Seva Gold Medal from Fakir Mohan University for his outstanding elocution skills. His research interests encompass Human Capital Management, Decent Work, and HR-Technology Integration. Dr.Sahoo’s commitment to the academic community is further illustrated by his role as the guiding force for three doctoral scholars currently pursuing their research under his supervision. He has also organized two Research Scholars’ Conclaves at Berhampur University in 2022 and 2023 as the convener. Furthermore, Dr.Sahoo’s expertise extends to serving as a resource person in various Faculty Development Programs (FDPs) and Symposiums, where he imparts his knowledge and insights to further enrich the academic landscape.

  • Human Capital Management, Career Management, Knowledge Mapping


  • Chhatoi, B. P., Sahoo, S. P., & Nayak, D. P. (2021). Assessing the Academic Journey of ‘Financial Inclusion’from 2000 to 2020 through Bibliometric Analysis. Journal of Scientometric Research, 10(2), 148-159.
  • Biswajit Prasad Chhatoi, Sharada Prasad Sahoo & Durga Prasad Nayak (2020) Knowledge mapping in the discipline of financial literacy and charting the future directions, COLLNET Journal of Scientometrics and Information Management, 14:2, 311-330, DOI: 10.1080/09737766.2020.1841584
  • Patnaik, S., & Sahoo, S. P. (2012). Green communication and computing for sustainable development. International Journal of Information and Communication Technology, 4(2-4), 154-164.
  • Chhatoi, B. P., Sahoo, S. P., & Dash, M. K. (2022). Practical gender needs and women empowerment: an impact assessment of microfinance. International Journal of Business Excellence, 28(4), 522-543.
  • Chhatoi, B. P., Sahoo, S. P., & Nayak, D. P. (2023). Academic footprint of’financial literacy and financial inclusion’: a review and future research agenda. Global Business and Economics Review, 28(4), 447-468.
  • Sahoo, S. P., Kumari, I. G., Choudhury, A., Nayak, D. P., & Chhatoi, B. P. (2022). Bibliometric analysis of the journal Personnel Psychology from 1948 to 2020. International Journal of Bibliometrics in Business and Management, 2(2), 107-136.
  • Chhatoi, B. P., Kumari, I. G., & Sahoo, S. P. (2022). Establishing Discriminating Factors in Educational Institutions: A Gender Perspective.

Book Chapters

  • Chhatoi, B. P., Mishra, P., & Sahoo, S. P. (2021). Sustainable social independence: microfinance experience. In Resource Efficiency, Sustainability, and Globalization (pp. 151-171). Apple Academic Press.
  • Chhatoi, B. P., & Sahoo, S. P. (2019). A Review on Role of Macro and Micro Banking Environment on Non-Performing Assets Management. Behavioral Finance and Decision-Making Models, 281-294.

    (03 Scholars are Pursuing Ph.D. under my Supervision)
  • Name of Scholar: Durga Prasad Nayak
    Registration No: Management/001/2021
    Topic: “Contemporary Essays on Protean Career Orientation and Psychological Success”
  • Name of the Scholar: Kalpana Behera Registration No:
    Management/002/2021 Topic: “Effect of Tourism Experience on Psychological Well-being of Tourists”
  • 3. Name of the Scholar: Saudamini Sahoo
    Registration No: Management/003/2021
    Topic: “Corporate Sustainability Reporting Practices on Select Companies in India”

Human Resource Management, Principles of Management, Organizational Behavior, Training & Development

  • 4. UGC-JRF in Management in 2012
  • Seve He Seva Gold Medal Award from Fakir Mohan University, 2008
  • Vice Chancellor Cup for Debate Award from Fakir Mohan University 2009