Department Of Mathematics

The Department of Mathematics came to life in the year 1972 with sixteen students on the role for the course M.A./M.Sc. in Mathematics. Over the years new regular programmes such as M. Phil. and Ph. D., have been added in its activities. Sanctioned student strength has also increased. Occasionally scholars register for award of D.Sc., the highest degree of the country, under the auspices of this Department. So far three D.Sc.s have been produced from here.

The alumni of the Department have excelled in public life in various prestigious capacities.

Through the dedicated efforts of research scholars and faculty, the Department has created for itself a niche in research in the fields of Differential Equations, Summability Theory, Sequence Spaces, Fourier Analysis, Complex Analysis, Fluid Dynamics, Cosmology and Gravitation. Faculty of the Department referee and review research papers in these areas for renowned international journals.

As a part of its co curricular activity the Department frequently hosts Conferences, Seminars, Refresher Courses, Workshops, PAC meetings and so on. The Department is a favourite destination for experts all over the country in the broad area of Mathematical Analysis.

The Department is a Zonal Coordinating centre for Mathematics Olympiad Tests conducted by the National Board for Higher Mathematics, Government of India. Under this outreach programme, about 1500 talented school going young students appear these tests every year in centres spread over nine districts under the jurisdiction of Berhampur University.

On the basis of the Department profile and academic achievements of the faculty, the Department has been selected for Department Research Support (DRS) under the Special Assistance Programme (SAP) of UGC Phase-I during 1994-99 and Phase-II during 2000-2005. A grant of Rs. 20.00 lakhs has been sanctioned by UGC under SAP in the Financial Year 2007-2008. The Department has been receiving library Grants from the National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM-DAE) since 1993.

  • Imparting quality mathematics education and the inculcating of the spirit of research through innovative teaching and research methodologies.
  • To be a leading Mathematics department across the globe.
  • To make Mathematics popular in the society.
  • To emerge as a global center of learning academic excellence and innovative research.
  • To promote the critical thinking and innovative ideas in young minds.

List Of
External Mentors

  • Prof. B.C. Tripathy, Central University of Tripura, Agartala, Mob-9864087231
  • Prof. B.K. Mohanty, IIM, Lucknow, Mob-9935488214
  • Prof. S. Padhy, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Silicon Institue of Technology, BBSR, Mob-9437204666
  • Prof. A.K. Mishra, Retd. Professor & Ex-Director, Institute of Mathematics and Applications, BBSR, Mob-9861017102
  • Prof. N.C. Chaudhury, Retd. Professor, IGIT Sarang, Dhenkanal, Mob-9437384008

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Research Area in the Mathematics

Since inception, the Department has produced 65 Ph.D. and 150 M.Phil scholars.

Research Area in the Department

  1. Complex analysis
  2. Real Analysis
  3. Functional Differential Equations and Integral Equations
  4. Summability Theory in Sequence Space, and Fourier Series
  5. Inventory Control
  6. Relativity and Cosmology

Department of Mathematics Alumni Association

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Department Facilities


  • An International Conference supported by UGC and entitled “Analysis and Applications” was organized during 20-21 July 2012. Professor G. Das was the chief guest on the occasion. Professor M. Saraj, Shahid Chamran University of Iran delivered the keynote address. Dr. U.K. Misra, Reader was felicitated on the eve of his retirement from University service.
  • A two day seminar was organized during 21-22 December, 2012. On 21-12-2012 the concluding day of the “Indian Year of Mathematics” was celebrated. On 22-12-2012 the 126th Birth anniversary of eminent Indian Mathematician S. Ramanujan was commemorated. On this occasion Dr. Manaranjan Mishra, IIT Ropar, Punjab was the chief guest. He delivered a seminar talk entitled “Mathematical modeling of hydrodynamical instability in porous media.” Dr. P. Gochhayat, University of Pretoria, South Africa spoke on the topic “An extension of the Chebyshev polynomials.” Professor A.K. Mishra delivered a lecture entitled “Remembering Ramanujan.”