Department Of Political Science

The Department of Political Science came into being during the academic session 1968-69 with only 16 students on its rolls. During the last 54 years the Department has not only grown in its size but also expanded in its academic activities and research output. The Department has produced so far, 4 D.Litts., 68 Ph.Ds and about 250 M.Phils. Besides, about 550 dissertations have been produced by the M.A. students under the supervision and guidance of the teachers of the Department. The Department has successfully organised the All India Political Science Conference as well as many National Conferences/Seminars and Workshops. Moreover the Department has conducted many UGC-Funded Refresher Courses in Political Science. The Department received financial assistance from the UGC under its Special Assistance Programme (DRS). The Department follows Semester pattern of examination.
In the recent U.G.C-sponsored National Seminar on Indo-US Relations in 21st Century the top-notch U.S diplomat Mr. William H. Avery had graced the function and delivered the Key-note address. Besides, Professor Charles Borges of Maryland University, U.S.A in his visit to the department had interacted with the students and staff on the theme “Indo-Canadian Relations; A Paradigm Shift”

In the recent U.G.C-sponsored National Seminar on Indo-US Relations in 21st Century the top-notch U.S diplomat Mr. William H. Avery had graced the function and delivered the Key-note address. Besides, Professor Charles Borges of Maryland University, U.S.A in his visit to the department had interacted with the students and staff on the theme “Indo-Canadian Relations; A Paradigm Shift”

  • Promote, develop and sustain quality teaching and multi disciplinary research in Political Science and Public Policy.
  • Foster close interaction with professionals, policy makers, social activists and political representatives.
  • Impart quality education and research facilities with strong ethical values.

List Of
External Mentors

  • Shri Pradip Kumar Amat, Former Speaker of Odisha Legislative Assembly and Finance Minister. Presently Minister of Panchayati Raj & Drinking Water, Forest, Environment and Climate Change, Information & Public Relations, Mob-9437040324, 9437130349, Email:pradippamal@gmail.com
  • Prof. Jayanta Kumar Mohapatra, Former Vice-Chancellor, Berhampur University, Mob-8249058318, Email:jkmbu567@gmail.com
  • Prof. Jagadish Kumar Patnaik, Vice-Chancellor, Mizoram University, Aizawl, Mob-9436154501, Email: jkdeansss@gmail.com
  • Prof. Bansidhar Pradhan, Professor, Centre for West Asian Studies, School of International Studies, Mob-011-26704598, 09650364178, Email:pradhan@mail.ju.ac.in, bansidharpradhan@gmail.com
  • Prof. Bishnu Charan Choudhury, Former Chairman, P.G. Council, Director, CDC, Berhampur University, Mob-7008121006, Email:bishnuchouidhury@gmail.com

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Research Area in the Political Science

The department has so far produced 200 M.Phils. 60 Ph.Ds, and 2 D.Litts. In addition it has published around 250 papers in various National and International journals and around 50 books. The Department has received the Special Assistance Programme (DRS) of the UGC during 1994-1999. The faculty members have bagged many prestigious awards such as Fulbright (Junior & Senior), Commonwealth and numerous cultural exchange fellowships and have been conducting various projects sponsored by the UGC and ICSSR.

Department of Political Science Alumni Association

Alumni program is in Progress.

Department Facilities


Seminars and group discussions among the students on Coalition Politics, role of Civil Societies, Communalism in India, Evolution of Indian’s Foreign Policy and its Determinants, Role of women in Panchayati Raj, Globalisation, Sino-India Relations, Women and Human Rights etc were organised during 2012-13 session. The discussions were monitored by faculty members. The deliberation and views forwarded by the M.Phil students and students of different semesters were given in an abstract form.

1.6.1 Coming

  • Publication of Journal,
  • Newsletter,
  • In- House discussions,
  • Career Counseling Programmes,
  • Group Discussions
  • Wall Magazine
  • Alumni Association to be formed

1.6.2 Past

The Conferences of the Indian Political Science Association, Odisha Political Science Association (2010), were organized by this department. The Department has conducted three Refresher Courses in Political Science during 1992-95. Recently a UGC-sponsored National Seminar was organized by this Department during 19th and 20th January 2013. The theme of the Seminar was “Indo-US Relations in the 21st Century”. Eminent Political Scientists from different parts of India like Prof. L.S. Rathore, Former Vice-Chancellor, J.N. Vyas University, Jodhpur, Prof. D.P. Singh, Former Member, UGC, Prof. K.M. Reddy, Former President, IPSA and Mr. William H. Avery, Former Diplomat, United States attended the Seminar. More than 60 participants attended the National Seminar to participate and deliberate on the theme of the Seminar.

  • The Department organised a national Seminar on “Changing Dynamics of Indian Foreign Policy: Issues and Challenges” on 26th and 27th of December 2018, sponsored by ICSSR.
  • The Department organised a national Seminar on “70 Years of Indian Democracy: Visions, Practices and Perspectives” on 6th and 7th of March 2020, funded by World Bank under OHEPEE Programme.