Department Of Women's Studies

The MA course in women’s studies offers the opportunity to study the complex issues and debates within women’s studies and gain a critical understanding of the intersections between feminist thought and wider social and cultural debates. The department of women’s studies allows students to enhance intellectual and personal growth, develop an understanding of the unique contributions and challenges faced by women, and interpret the human experience through a critical analysis of gender, religion, sexuality and social class.

Programme Out come

The syllabus of Master of Arts in women’s studies is a full time two-academic year program in self-financing mode. The course spreads over four semesters. Each paper carries 100 marks, which includes20 marks of Mid-Semester and 80 marks of End-Sem. Examination. The uniform nature of credits specified for the program describes the equitable Weightage.

  • Presently, the Department of Women Studies offers M. A. in Women Studies in Self-Financing Method.The major purpose of this course is to disseminate knowledge pertaining to issues, challenges and opportunities for Women, feminist theory, Women and sustainable development and to impart specialized skills to students and researchers in the concerned field.
  • Ph. D degrees are offered in Women Studies.The Ph. D studies are being undertaken in the interdisciplinary fields with focus on Women, the challenges they face, gender equality and justice, women’s experiences, and gender empowerment and liberation.

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