South Odisha Cultural Study Centre

“The South Odisha Cultural Study Centre” has been functioning as an extension of SAP of the Department of Odia since 21.03.2014 pursuant to Syndicate Resolution No. 546 dated 28.10.2014.

Aims and Objectives

  • Collect, preserve and promote study and research on the culture and literature of South Odisha.
  • Carry out research initiatives on language, dialect, Jagannath culture and performing tradition.
  • Encourage Publication of Books, Monographs and Research Papers on the above aspects.
  • Conduct extensive field studies.
  • Conduct documentation of tribal culture, folklore and digitalization of palm-leaf manuscripts.
  • Rejuvenate the performing tradition of folk music and folk dance of South Odisha.
  • Develop a Folk and Tribal Museum.
  • Develop a Palm-leaf Museum.


  • Palm-leaf Manuscripts- about 2015 numbers.
  • Paper Manuscripts and Books/Journals/Periodicals – 7000.
  • Tribal artifacts from South Odisha.
  • Folk Traditional Materials.


  • Conducted Training Programmes on Palm Leaf Manuscripts
  • Conducted National Seminars on Folklore and Tribal Culture of Sothern Odisha.
  • Collected hundreds of Palm Leaf Manuscripts and rare Artifacts of Southern Odisha.
  • Converted the Centre like a Museum for public.
  • Number of M.Phil. and Ph.D. studies have been undertaken based on Folklore and Tribal Culture and preserved them in the Centre.
  • Encouraged performing folk-arts (dance and music) by organising shows inside the University Campus with local talents.