- Imparting quality education in the thrust areas of Chemistry.
- To increase outreach activity for popularization of Chemistry.
- To achieve excellence through quality teaching and research in the field of Chemistry to cater the need of the society.
List Of
External Mentors
- Dr. S. Chandrasekhar, Former Secretary, DST-India.
- Prof. Surendra Mahapatro, Professor-Emeritus, Regis University, Colorado, USA
- Prof. Ashok Kumar Mishra, Dept. of Chemistry, IIT Madras.
- Prof. Bhisma K Patel, Dept. of Chemistry, IIT Guwahati.
- Prof. Satyaban Jena, Former Professor of Chemistry, Utkal University.
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Dr. Ganngam Phaomei
Assistant Professor
Dr. Satyanarayan Sahoo
Associate Professor
Prof. (Dr.) Laxmidhar Rout
Assistant Professor
Dr. Ganngam Phaomei
Assistant Professor
Dr. Bibhuti Bhusan Parida
Assistant Professor
Research Area in the Chemistry
- Synthesis and application of biosensors for detection of toxic metal ions and anions
- Green synthesis of nanoparticles for sensing applications
- Carbohydrate based bioconjugate synthesis and their applications
- Lanthanide ions doped nano-particles for various applications
- Synthetic Organic Chemistry
- Asymmetric Synthesis, Development of Reaction methodologies
- Total synthesis of Bioactive natural products and target oriented Synthesis
- Chemical Biology
- Drug discovery
- Medicinal Chemistry
- UGC Startup (2017-19) PI: Dr. L. Rout
- SERB (2017-20) PI: Dr. L. Rout
- SERB, India, (2018-21), PI: Dr. SN. Sahoo
- S &T Department-Odisha (2018-21)PI: Dr. L. Rout
- SERB (2019-21),PI: Dr. B. B. Parida
- UGC Start Up (2019-21), PI: Dr B. B. Parida
- S &T Department-Odisha (2019-22), PI: Dr B. B. Parida
- OHEPEE, Govt. of Odisha, (2019-24). Group member: Dr. S. N. Sahoo and Dr. G. Phaomei.
- CSIR (2021-24), PI: Dr. L. Rout
Department of Chemistry Alumni Association
- The Alumni Association of P.G. Department of Chemistry consists of the following members:
- President: Dr. Arun Kumar Padhy, Associate Professor, Central University of Jharkhand
- Vice-President: Dr. Pankaj Patra, Senior Scientist, BARC, Mumbai
- Dr. Niva Nayak, Faculty in Chemistry, OEC, BBSR
- Secretary: Dr. Rabinarayana Sahu, Micro-Analyst, Berhampur University
- Asst Secretary: Dr Bhagaban Muni, Faculty in Chemistry, GIET, Berhampur
- Treasurer: Sri Sushant kumar Sahu, Faculty in Chemistry, GEC, BBSR
- Auditors: Dr. D.L. Singh, and Dr. Upendra Prasad Tripathy.
Department Facilities
Seminar Library and Computer room:
The Department Seminar has a good stock of high quality text books and refere...
Instruments facilities:
There are centralized Instrument Rooms housing sophisticated instruments incl...
Student Project Work
The students of the department visit to different industries, National labs, ...
The cleanliness and hygiene are maintained in the department for oneself and ...
More than 36-lavatories (including special type meant for Physically Disabled...
Keeping in view of Physically Disabled candidates, department has ramp facili...
- The joint 24th Regional conference of Orissa Chemical Society and National Seminar on “Environment Management in 21st Century-Challenges and& Opportunities” conducted by Saraswati Degree Vidya Mandir (SDVM), Neelakanthanagar, Berhampur in collaboration with Department of Chemistry, Berhampur University (28th Nov 2021)
- National Webinar on “Recent Advances in Chemical Sciences” conducted by Department of Chemistry, March 24-25, 2021.
- National Conference on Organic Synthesis (N-COS-2020; 02-03 March 2020.
- International Conference on “Chemical and Biological Science in Drug Discovery-2019” (IC-CBSDD-2019); 08-10 March 2019.
- International Conference on “Resent Trends of Chemical & Biological Sciences in Medicine, Natural Product and Drug Discovery” (IC-RTCBSMNPDD-2017), 03-05 March 2017.
- International Conference on “Innovative Applications of Chemistry in Pharmacology & Technology”. IC-IACPT-2015 February 06-08, 2015.
- National seminar on “Water scarcity and Management” held on November 2014.
- The Department has successfully organized three National Seminars in the years 2010, 2011 & 2012.