Department Of IR & PM

Department of Industrial Relations & Personnel Management

The Department of Industrial Relations & Personnel Management has established in the year 1967 and the unique distinction of being the first teaching department of the university besides being first of its kind in the State of Orissa. The changes brought about in its course structure and its nomenclature from Labour and Social Welfare to Industrial Relations and Labour Welfare and then to Industrial Relations and Personnel Management justify its vision that it changes with the changing times. It imparts instructions and practical skills in the fields of Industrial Relations, Human Resource Management and Development, Labour Legislation, Labour Welfare, and Organizational Behaviour. To equip its students with latest developments in the areas of Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations, the department has introduced courses in International Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations, Organizational Change and Development.

The Department offers two years master’s degree and one year M. Phil degree courses. It is a recognized institution for pursuing doctoral research. It is the pioneer in examination reforms in terms of introducing semester and mid-semester examinations incorporating a system of continuous evaluation and feedback. As the Department offers professional course, the learning pedagogy used includes theoretical instructions, case analysis, seminar presentations, and management games. Field- work internship has been the main stay of the department since its inception for providing practical training to the students.

The Post Graduate Degree of Industrial Relations and Personnel Management has been recognized by the Central and State Governments for the purpose of appointment as Welfare Officers under the Factories Act, 1948 and Mines Act, 1952. The Alumni profile of the department is quite rich, as over the last four decades its products have adorned high positions as HR executives in different industrial organizations, Government organizations, Banks, and Non-Governmental organizations. and as academicians in different universities and business schools.

The Department has a consistently good placement record. Every year on an average about 50 per cent of its products get placed in different organisations both Public and Private sectors.


List Of
External Mentors

  • Mr. Radha Shyam Mahapatra, Director (HR) NALCO, Mob-8987784133, Email:rsmahapatra@gmail.com
  • Dr. Sasmita Palo, Professor, TISS, Mumbai, Mob-9819240202, Email:spalo@tiss.edu
  • Prof. Santosh Kumar Tripathy, Retd. Prof. in PMIR, Utkal University & Vice-Chancellor, FM University, Mob-9437071132, Email: santostripathy@gmail.com
  • Prof. Manju Bhagat, Dept. of Business Management, BIT, Meshra, Bihar, Mob-9431106340, Email: mbhagat@bitmesra.ac.in
  • Prof. Ashis Kumar Pani, Dept. of Management, XISS, Ranch, Bihar, Mob-9431113315, Email:asispani@gmail.com

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Research Area in the IR & PM

Research Area in the Department: The faculty members of the Department are actively engaged in research. The various fields in which the research work is being undertaken are: Human Resource Management, IR, OB, HRD etc.

Publication / Achievement / Credentials

The faculty members of the Department have published around 100 research papers in reputed research journals and edited books.

The department takes pride in its ability for facilitating the students in finding placements in organizations both public and Private sectors. As such, the percentage of placements is substantially increasing the years. At least 40% of the students, after completion of the studies, find immediate placements as compared to 20% placement in the past.

Dr. B. P. Rath , Professor of the Department was awarded “Outstanding Research Award” for his paper titled, “Influence of organizational Culture on Organisational Citizenship Behaviour” organised by IBFR (Global) held at Las Vegas, Neveda

National Seminar/Conference / Workshop Attended

The faculties of the Department regularly attend National Seminars, conferences, workshops and symposia.

International Seminar/Conference / Workshop Attended

Prof. D. V. Giri attended the 12th World Congress of the International Industrial Relations, Association held at Tokyo, Japan in the year 2000.

Prof. B. P. Rath attended an International Conference organized by the Institute for Business and Finance Research held at Las Vegas , Neveda during January 2-5 , 2011 and presented a paper titled, “Influence of Organisational Culture on Organisational Citizenship Behaviour: A Three-Sector Study”.

Department of IR & PM Alumni Association


The alumni association of the department of IRPM is a rich asset of the University. It involves graduates of all age groups of the yester years. The IRPM Deptt. Alumni Association serves as a strong network for both the students and faculty members of the Department. Additionally, it has always supported the new alumni, and provided a forum to form new friendships and business relationships with both students and faculties of the department.

Alumni Meet 2012

The PG Department of IR&PM along with its Alumni Association organized a Two day National Seminar on “Perspectives on Employment Relations” during 22-23 December, 2012 . The Alumni Association of the Deptt. Organized an Alumni Meet on 23 December 2012 after completion of the National Conference, with Prof. B.C. Choudhry gracing the occasion as the Chief Guest.. Besides actively participating in the deliberations of the conference, the alumnus shared in reminiscence their student days to their journey into their work life and some even shared their experience in their post-retirement life.

Among the alumni were present Prof. G. C. Patro, Prof B.P. Rath, Prof D.V Giri , Prof. S. C. Parida , Dr. S. B. Patro and Dr. (Mrs. ) Anuva Choudhury, all faculty members of the department. Prof.B.C Choudhury with around 150 alumni present. They have shared their experiences and interacted with faculty and students

On this occasion Alumni Association felicitated its Alumni who have excelled and made their mark in their Professional Career brought pride and laurels to the Alamamater. Shri.AK Sahu Former Devlopment Officer, Berhampur University, Shri AK Sahu GM(HR),NALCO, Shri. Manoj Kumar Mishra Director(HR),Cement Corporation of India Ltd, Shri.B.B.Singh Samanth, Regional Labour Commissioner- Central (Retd),Shri,Hara ParasadAcharya, Executive Director ,OCL India Ltd. were felicitated at the function. The function was concluded with a vote thanks proposed by Dr.SB Patro.

Department Facilities



Conducted a joint ISTD and Department of IRPM Berhampur University on 13 may 2022 to discuss regarding Industry-Institution -Interface meeting along with General Body Meeting has also unanimously decided to nominate Dr.BiBHUTI Mahapatro,Dr Sharada Prasad Sahoo as president and secretary of ISTD Berhampur Chapter.


The P. G Department of IR&PM and the IR&PM Alumni Association organized a Two day National Conference on “Perspectives on Employment Relations” and organized Alumni meet on 23rd Dec 2012. The Sub themes of the Conference included areas like:

  • Employer-Employee Relations at the plant-level
  • Contract Labour and Employment Relations
  • Strategic HR and Business
  • Role of the New Actors in Industrial Relations
  • Innovations at Workplace and Business Excellence
  • New Methods of Manufacturing and Work Organization at the firm-level
  • Employment Relations in the Service Sector
  • E Business Sustainability and Corporate Citizen Responsibility.

The conference was attended by around 200 Delegates, Academicians, Research Scholars and professionals from both Public and Private sector organisations across the country. Most of the delegates participated in the deliberations and presented their research papers. All these research papers were compiled in a souvenir , which was released by the Chief Guest Mr. Balaswamy Akala, former CMD Coal India Ltd. and Prof. J. K. Mohapatra, Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor of the University in the inaugural function of the Conference.

Hon. Vice-Chancellor Prof. Jayanta Kumar Mohapatra hailed the Departmental members for organizing such a conference of national importance. Throwing light on the present day industrial Relations scenario he urged upon the actors of Industrial relations to work in harmony for the overall growth of the country. Further, he highlighted the importance of Research in the emerging areas in Employment Relations. Prof G.C Patro, Former Head of the Dept of I.R. & P.M., Berhampur University delivered the keynote address. Prof D.V. Giri, Organizing secretary of the Conference welcomed the dignitaries and delegates of the conference and introduced the theme of the conference. Prof. B. P. Rath , Registrar, Berhampur University and also Secretary of the I.R. & P.M. Alumni Association, BU proposed a vote of thanks.

The Conference started with a panel discussion on “Perspectives on Employment Relations”, with Prof. G. C. Patro as the moderator. Sri Ashok Kumar Sahu, GM (HR), NALCO , Shri, Parafulla Chandra Patnaik, Former President, Bank Emplyoyee’s Federation and a Trade Union leader, Dr. R.K.Dash DGM (HR), L&T Works, Kansbahal , Odisha and ,Shri Sanathan Biswal, a Labour Law Practioner in Rourkela participated in the discussions. In total three technical sessions were held (Two on 22 December, 2012 and one on 23 December, 2012) in which the participants presented their research papers. The valedictory function was held in the afternoon of 23 December, 2012. Prof. B. C. Choudhury , Chairman , P. G. Council , BU and Director, College Development Council , BU presided over the function. Sri Vinay Kumar, former Director (Personnel) NTPC was the chief Guest. Prof. S.C. Parida proposed vote of thanks.